Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mommy's Mojo Is Back

I woke up this morning refreshed and ready to conquer the world! Max slept for 4 1/2 hours straight. Thank you for your prayers, they worked. I am happy and minimal hormonal today. Last night our friends the Carters stopped by. They just had a baby too, Ford is 2 months old. He is so cute, and so much bigger than little Max. His brother JC is precious, such a little boy, full of life. I can't wait for Max to be running around full of energy and asking a million questions. Well, maybe I can wait a little bit. I remember when Tyler was little he was like a bull in a china cabinet. He was very well behaved and always had manners, but man was he a little boy, always full of energy and ready for anything.
This morning when we woke up I let John Maxwell have some play time under his little gym Aunt Sara got him. He really liked the lights and music part. Eric left to get the kids about 1:30 so I thought what a perfect day to take a short walk around the neighborhood. I got a picture of him (can you find the tiny baby head in the stroller?) then Max and I set off on our little adventure. And boy what an adventure it turned into. We were walking away from the sun and I noticed some smoke. Figured someone was burning leaves and didn't want Max to breathe it so we turned the other way. It was then I started hearing sirens. The first thought that popped in my head was oh no, I set the alarm when I left and it has gone off, how embarrassing. Then they rounded the corner. It was fire trucks, 2 of them and a police car.
Apparently someone wasn't burning leaves, their yard was on fire and their neighbors and their neighbors and a fourth neighbor. What an exciting first walk! This was of course a big deal for a sleepy little neighborhood like ours. All the neighbors came outside and were walking by and driving up if they lived far away. Quite a scene. They had the fires out shortly and everyone had their water hoses out to help the fireman. Max never knew anything was going on. He enjoyed his few minutes outside.

This event instantly brought back a memory from my childhood. It was a quite Sunday afternoon. Mom and Dad always took naps and we lived pretty far out in the country so Brandi and I were limited to a couple of channels the antenna would pick up and the Atari. We had our windows open upstairs and suddenly noticed plumes of smoke drifting inside. We ran downstairs to find Dad was burning the grass had put it out and came in to take his nap. The fire wasn't out though and had caught the bushes around the house on fire, right under our bedroom windows. He moved pretty fast to put it out. I don't think he went back to sleep.

My friend Julia is bringing supper tonight, pork chops, yummy! We have chicken enchiladas in the freezer from Mom and a sweet lady from church is bringing supper Tuesday. I am set until Thursday since Wednesday is disciple night at church and the family eats there. I love sitting down to supper as a family, even more when the meal is already prepared.
Well, I am on Nascar watch duty for Eric so I better pay attention so I can send an update. Can't wait for the kids to get back, we are blessed.


  1. Sooo funny- I had forgotten about the bushes catching on fire! I thought you were going to tell about the fireworks catching the neighbors garden on fire:) Seems our family may have an issue with fire! Ha! Love you!

  2. Oh, Yes---I remember the shrubs catching on fire!! We didnt have to trim them after that! Sounds like you had an exciting first walk with Max. Am so glad you are feeling better---it always helps to get out and take a walk. I sure do miss you----have a great Monday. Love u very much---Mom

  3. So glad you are feeling better! Those first few weeks are always so tough and to be honest I am not looking forward to it myself. But you are better and we will be there in a week to see you and cheer you up!! Hang in there - and remember that we can make trips to El Dorado together!!
